mastRcam SC - Gray bars appearing in video (HD-100)

mastRcam SC - Gray bars appearing in video (HD-100)

This is a normal function with the stabilizer (HD-100) trying to stabilize the video while the camera is moving.

However, if you want to turn the stabilizer OFF, then here are instructions on turning it off (depending on what version controller you have):

If your controller looks like this:

  1. Make sure that Zoom is all the way to the left, Rotation is all the way to the right, and the Stabilization lever is Down (Off).
  2. If that doesn't solve the problem, try bypassing the HD-100 using a BNC barrel to connect the In and Out cable together.
If your controller looks like this:

  1. Simply make sure the stabilizer switch is in its middle position which is the OFF position.
  2. If that doesn't solve the problem, try bypassing the HD-100 using a BNC barrel to connect the In and Out cable together.

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