mastRcam SC (Before Practice) - Secure and Level the mastRcam

mastRcam SC (Before Practice) - Secure and Level the mastRcam

With the mastRcam SC in the spot you want it, the next step is to secure and level the trailer by lowering the stabilizer legs to the ground.
1. The first step is to make sure the wheel jack is touching the ground. Use the handle to raise or lower the wheel jack.
2. Next, use the handle on each stabilizer leg to raise or lower each leg. Before they touch the ground, you may want to put a leg pad or piece of plywood between the foot of the leg and the ground so as not to damage the turf.
3. You want to stop lowering the legs a little bit after it touches the ground. Try not to lower the legs too far where the wheels of the mastRcam SC are lifted off the ground. Ideally, you want all (4) stabilizer legs + the wheel jack + the (2) trailer wheels all touching the ground for maximum safety.
4. Now that the mastRcam SC is safely secured to the ground, you need to level the trailer. There are (2) bubble levels installed on the trailer. See image below:
5. Use the Stabilizer Leg handles to make adjustments to the individual legs to ensure BOTH of the bubble levels indicate the trailer is level. 

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