mastRcam SC - Battery/Inverter/Charging Issues

mastRcam SC - Battery/Inverter/Charging Issues

battery/inverter/charging issues (battery cables, water, loose screw, fuse, power cord, GFI, 120v breaker)

If you are having issues with batteries not holding a charge, Inverter E01 or E05 errors, or batteries not charging....there are several things to check:
  1. Turn off the entire trailer with the red power knob
  2. Plug in shore power and make sure the 120v breaker is ON. There will be a green LED indicating power is being detected into the trailer.
    1. If that green LED is not coming on, then check the outlet where you have shore power plugged into. If it's a GFI outlet, it may have tripped. Press the [reset] button on the outlet to restore power.
    2. If that's not the issue or if the GFI keeps tripping, then the issue may be with your shore power cord.  We highly recommend using the yellow 50 foot 12 gauge power cords that come with the trailers, but if you are using your own cord, it must be 12 gauge and less than 50' in length. Power cords cannot be daisy chained together to increase the length because over longer distances, you'll lose power in the cord and it's possible that you lose enough power that the inverter can't use it to charge or maintain your batteries.
  3. Assuming the green LED comes on and you've got power coming into the trailer, the inverter controller (purple box) will automatically turn on once shore power is detected. If there's an error message, press and hold the Power button on the controller to reboot the inverter. Confirm that "BUL CHG" appears on the controller. Now the batteries are charging. You may need to check on it periodically to ensure there's no other errors, because then the batteries may be bad.
  4. If the inverter is showing the batteries are charging but the voltage of the batteries is not increasing or you continue to get errors on the inverter, check the 200a fuse. If it's broken, then replacing the fuse will resolve the issue.
  5. Also check the batteries cables to make sure they are on tight and have a good connection. Simply perform a tug test on the cables by pulling on the jacket of the cables. If the cables fall apart or become disconnected, please call Support at 321-804-8211.
  6. The last thing to check is the water level in your batteries. Low water levels will damage the batteries.

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