How to Setup/Execute Baseline Picture (RP-150 Controllers)

How to Setup/Execute Baseline Picture (RP-150 Controllers)

The following document will explain how to get your camera to a baseline picture and then create a preset that will allow a user to return to that baseline in the event that a camera’s picture has been altered and cannot be remedied quickly:


  1.  The first thing to do is get the camera’s picture settings to where everything looks good:
    1.  Are the colors too warm or cool?
      1.  Frame the camera by targeting a white or gray object and fill the screen as much as possible.
      2.  Ensure that one of 3200K, 5600K and ATW mode is not active (lit green). If so long press until it become amber. 
      3.  Select A memory and then press AWB button to execute an auto white balance. 
    2.  Is the picture too dark or bright?
      1.  Disable the Auto-Iris function.
      2.  Apply ND Filter with the User 2-5 buttons until image is not too dark nor bright. 
      3.  Reactivate Auto-Iris if desired.
  2.  If your picture still does not look correct, then set the controller to the recommended exposure settings:
    1.  Make sure Auto-Iris is activated.
      1.  If the iris range is not adjusting turn the Iris Adjustment Knob to the left or right while auto iris is enabled until the picture begins to darken or lighten. This adjusts the range the auto iris can operate in.
    2.  Press the PAINT button on the controller and adjust the following settings:
      1.  2 SHUTTER --> MODE = Either “OFF” or “STEP”  (Speed = 1/120)
      2.  3 PED --> M.PED = 0
      3.  3 PED --> R.PED = 0
      4.  3 PED --> B.PED = 0
      5.  4 CHROMA --> Level = 0%
      6.  5 GAIN --> GAIN = 0 dB
      7.  6 WHITE BALANCE --> R. GAIN = 0 (or Disabled)
      8.  6 WHITE BALANCE --> B. GAIN = 0 (or Disabled)
      9.  6 WHITE BALANCE --> MODE = A
      10.  8 DRS --> DRS = Off
      11.  9 KNEE --> Knee = Auto
    3.  As alternate most adjustments can be quickly achieved by using panel’s variable controls. 
    4.  Press User 2 so that the ND Filter is set to ND1.
    5.  Repeat Step 1 above.


  1.  Press the PMEM/TMEM button on the controller.
  2.  On the touch screen tap on “6 SETTING”.
  3.  Adjust the “Scope” setting to read “A”. Use the F1 knob to change the value.
    1.  Using Scope A will tell the controller that when you save a preset, it will save the camera’s position (pan, tilt, zoom) as well as the Iris, Focus, Gain, and White Balance settings.
  4.  On the touch screen tap on “1 PMEM LIST”.
  5.  Point the camera to the 50 yard line.
  6.  On the controller, press and hold the F1 and then tap on “PRE20”. This will assign Preset 20 as our baseline preset. In situation where the picture of the camera is so far off and white balancing or ND filters don’t seem to help, activate Preset 20 to force the camera back to its baseline picture.


  1.  To prevent accidental White Balance changes via panel’s control variables you may disable that control area by long press of ENABLE knob. If further adjustments needed re-enable that control area. 


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