Bolin Controller - Configure IP addresses for cameras and controller

Bolin Controller - Configure IP addresses for cameras and controller

  1. Press setup button, password 0000
  2. Arrow on camera setting, press PT speed button
  3. Ensure the top line reads “CAM001”, if not set to CAM001 (Whatever camera # you are configuring to the controller)
  4. Arrow on protocol, using zoom speed knob scroll to VISCAIP, press zoom speed button down
  5. Arrow on protocol, press PT speed button down
  6. Set IP to match appropriate CAMERA IP.
  7. Press the ZOOM SPEED button to save. Note that the knobs will stop working for a few seconds while the controller is saving
    1. Payload head should default to: ON
    2. Port should default to: 52381
  8. Exit out, then go back in and make sure it saved the right address.
  9. Press setup button again, password 0000
  10. Arrow on keyboard setting, press PT speed button
  11. Arrow on IP config, press PT speed button
  12. Change IP to match appropriate CONTOLLER IP
  13. Press the ZOOM SPEED button to save. Note that the knobs will stop working for a few seconds while the controller is saving
    1. Subnet mask should default to:
    2. Gateway should default to:
  14. Exit all the way out, then go back in and verify that it saved the IP you changed it to.
  15. Exit all the way back out and your controller display should say CAM1 VISCAIP and OK in the upper right corner with the cameras IP displayed in the lower center
    1. If you do not see OK in the upper right you are not communicating with the camera